Wednesday 30 October 2013

CPR Is Fun Too. Even On A Mannequin Named Steve

Hello Readers,

Today at school I took a CPR course. Lucky for me I got to take it with two of my best friends, Hannah and Talitha. Between the three of us, we had a fun lesson. Mr. Thompson, who taught us, is a great instructor. He may only have qualifications to teach us the basics but I liked the lesson because he managed to both scare us (me) silly about life in general, namely the up-coming Schoolies, as well as inspire us all to learn more about CPR so that, if we need to, we can begin the steps to save a life.

He was clear and precise as well as funny. A great combo. I am glad I decided to take the course today instead of holding it off. Today was the last actual school day to do it. otherwise I think there was the option of doing it during exam block. No way!

On another note, I handed in my last ever Drama assignment. It was a bit rushed but somehow I pulled a rabbit out of a hat and I am much happier with the last minute changes I made to the script I had already written. The new version was a hundred times better. Which is another proof to myself that some of my best high-tension creative works come within the last minute. I don't recommend making a habit of it, however, as I felt like I would have a heart-attack. The teachers don't like it much either really.

So now I only have one more assignment and some exams. Then I can relax. I plan on being on track and ahead of time for them so that I can take it easy and really enjoy this free time with my friends and some other people whose company I enjoy, yet highly doubt I will see much of in the future.

There will be plenty of parties wherein I plan to bring lollies, a gingerbread house for my German class to decorate and some sort of creative food for my art class. It must be creative so that we can all bring in food because, technically, we are not allowed to have class 'parties'. OH&S stuff. Bleh. We gonna rock our own party.

In the mean time I am going to work on that last assignment.


Tuesday 29 October 2013

I Have My Moments

The past three weeks have been really fun. As well as exhausting.
Assignments have been coming from left and right! Yikes!
Nevertheless, I have forged my way through them and the really hard ones are over. Finished. Done. Now I only have three exams and two written assignments to hand in. Which when I get down to them they can get done pretty quickly, so I will type them up pretty quickly. Then bam! Time to party. All that will be left are class parties, free time and preparation for Formal. I now only have three weeks left of High School, ever.

Mentally exhausting stuff aside, I had a ton of fun singing with my school's Glee Choir. At USQ's 'To Glee Or Not To Glee?' song night we sung Fix You by Cold Play, immediately followed by our choreographed version of Marry You by Bruno Mars. It was fantastic and by far our best performance. I loved the vibe. Our group won an award titled 'best proposal' because the boys in the group slid onto their knees and sung "Oh! C'mo~on girl!" I wrote it like that because they were very dramatic. It made everyone cheer. We then sat back -picnic style - and watched the other groups perform. The rest of the night was filled with wonderful singing, that made everyone happy, cheer and sometimes laugh. The group from the Oakey School made an awesome performance featuring David Guetta and Sia's Titanium as well as Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (A/N I just watch the video clip, freaky stuff). Oakey's group were dressed as Zombies! I loved it.

Our Glee club later performed again at our school's Supper Club. the boys also sung Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars, they sound fantastic together. After that we all sung Somebody To Love by Freddie Mercury; Our teacher loves Freddie. Our latest and last performance of the year (very last for us seniors) was at the School Awards Ceremony. We were the very opening act. Woot! Pressure! But we pulled it off. The rest of the night was long, except for the other performances like the school concert and string bands as well as the senior dance mash-up.

But by far, the best moment of the night was when the year 12's got up on stage and sung the school song. I was up the front, the very front and centre of the stage. Singing my little heart out. I sung out loud and proud "And the magic name Toowoomba HIGH!!!" I was caught up in the song and didn't notice that everyone else had begun throwing their streamers that they had been given until they were flying over my head. I was about to release mine when I realised that the end had stuck back onto its self. It wouldn't stream out like that! I pulled at it but it wouldn't unravel. So I just flung it out and hoped for the best. It went far. As a stilled rolled up ball. I watched as it soared, seemingly in slow motion, out into the hands of a laughing and very surprised lady in the audience. In the crowd I distinctly heard by older brother, Shea and Mum yell out above the cheering audience, "Frankie!!! WOOHOO!" My face was priceless. I realised all of what had just happen and thought 'Aw well, heck, I'm still cool.' So I lifted my arms straight in the air and gave the crowd my best 'yeah-that-was-me' grin as I delivered a proud two handed Rock-on Salute.

I felt so much like my brother at that moment. I am fairly certain that I remember him doing that hand sign at some point when he graduated too. Or it is something he would do. He actually stuck his graduation certificate into the back of his pants and purposely made an effort to turn around for some reason or other when he was on stage. Also at the front. Being loud.

About a week ago I also helped my friend film her Media Assignment. She was making a News story. I am not completely sure of the entire assignment. But to say the least, it will be very funny. I will not reveal too much. You will have to wait until I get a copy of m own when she is finished. I can tell you however that I acted as a girl who is so obsessed with Taylor Swift that she truly believed she was Taylor Swift. It was extremely funny because of numerous reasons that will be easy to identify. Most of all is that despite my being in the Glee Choir. on my own,  I am actually very tone-deaf. I need to be able to hear someone close to me singing on key so I can concentrate on the notes. You wont hear my singing as Talitha, thankfully, muted it out in order to dub over us. My timing is pretty...non-existent too. Hopefully with the editing you wont see just how bad it truly is. In fact my Glee Teacher, when putting together the routine for our songs, exclaimed "How can a music student not know how to count?!" Or something like that. Yeah, It's a talent. I can sing. Just multitasking comes harder when I am singing.

When she has finished I will get my copy and do my best to post a successful version of it.
Keep an eye out for it.

In the mean time I will continue to be a very Curious Chesha. (Heh, I'm not so sure about signing off with my name every time, I am running out of wit when it comes time to sign off).

Sunday 13 October 2013

I Have Been Incredibly Busy

Hello again!

So this is my second post, don't worry I won't count every time.
It's been about four months since my first blog. It's been so long because I am in year 12 and I still need to get used to regularly writing a blog. You can thank Cassandra for pulling my head into gear and reminding me to write, so, thanks Cassie!

I will give you a quick overview of the past four months. A lot really did happen.
(I will try to keep it in order)

Okay...I got sick for about three weeks. Not pleasant. It was a mix of actually being sick and a truckload of stress, the kind you get from being in your final ear of high school. Believe me, it is not the smartest thing to allow nerves to get a hold of you during that time and hide from school. That's what I did and now it has come back and bit me in the bum! I have been struggling to catch up with school work in order to prove to my teachers that I deserve to go to Formal at the end of the year. I am so grateful for all of their support. They all want me to go and the principal has really helped to get me back on track.

Just before I was sick I went to my very last Sports Athletics Carnival. It was the most amazing and fun day of my entire year I think. It was definitely the best ever Athletics Day I have ever had. It was so great because ALL of my friends dressed up. Our costumes were everything and anything. My friends were dressed as a whole range of...characters...

From left to right: Misha as Jack Frost, Laura as the Green Cape, Sharni as a yellow Taxi-Fairy, Danni as Luigi, Tiffany as Cookie Monster, Erin as Harley Quinn, then there's me as Hermes. There were many more.

Such as the amazing Talitha, who dressed as Rainbow Dash and was in charge of the camera that day. Because I can't be trusted to not waste storage space.

The houses and their colours are:
Stephens: Yellow
Groom: Blue
Evans: Green
School: Red

I am from Stephens. So I came dressed all in yellow as Hermes, the Greek Messenger God. It was fantastic. I made the costume the day before pretty much. I bought a cheap helmet and peeled off the plastic cover, painted it yellow then super-glued cardboard wings onto the sides. My mum and I made a basic 'tunic' out of yellow cotton fabric. Under that I wore the green and yellow shorts I made in Home-Ec in year 8. On my feet I wore yellow toed and heeled ankle socks which were covered by my Converses. You know those two holes on the inside of converse shoes? I laced a long shoe-lace featuring the school logo around the shoe and through those holes and through a cardboard wing on each foot. It worked surprisingly well for the entire day. I also carried a leather messenger bag and a yellow horn, which I trumpeted at every opportunity.

 For the rest of the day I just had lots of fun!

*I'm having trouble loading qualaity versions of the clips. If anyone knows what I can do to fix this, please tell me. Are there too many? They are supposed to be smooth and have sound*

What else happened? Some sad news. Our beloved family pet, Sas, passed away. It was sad and rather sudden. But not entirely unexpected. She was around that age and had already had some health complications. It would have been cruel to make her suffer anymore. So we had the Vet come and put her to sleep at our home where we buried her out the back. It was very sad and we will all miss her incredibly. She was a wonderful friend. (again I will post a pic, I just don't have any on this computer).

About a week after that my dad was extremely lonely and sad. So we decided we would look for another dog. Definitely not a replacement, but certainly a comfort. So dad and I went to the RSPCA and immediately found Max. Like Sas, he is a Rottweiler (most likely crossed with something, but we have no idea what).
He's an energetic four month old chew-monster with springy leg muscles to spare. He loves to climb and jump and bite. But hey, he fetches, so we couldn't be happier. He's a bundle of fun.

I now only have approximately six weeks left of High School. Ever.  Four of which is proper 'study mode'. Then a week for exams which, if you don't have an exam, you don't have to be there. Then the last week is preparation for Formal, saying goodbye. We only stay at school on Wednesday until 11am because the Formal is later that day. No year 12s go to school on Thursday. On Friday we go to school at 6:30am! for a 7am breakfast and then basically they have a formal 'goodbye' then boot us out. Seriously, they want us gone by 9am! It's great and all but, still, I feel like "Waaht?" Then we go off into the world ~

I am both really scared and super excited. I have lots of ideas of what I am going to do. But am not sure of when or how for that matter. But it is suffice to say that I will have fun.  I'm too curious not to. That's why I am called Curious Chesha.


Saturday 10 August 2013

The First Ever Curious Chesha


My name is Chesha, you probably figured that out. As the blog title suggests, I am curious. Very curious. I think I'm funny but sometimes my jokes fall flat. You can decide that for yourself as you get to know me through my blog. It would be suffice to say that I have no idea what I am doing as I have never had a blog before. But I am a fast learner and I think I will get the hang of it.

I'll tell you a little about myself.
I like to believe that my life is exciting. Lots of stuff happens. I make sure lots of stuff happens because I would go loopy if I had nothing to do. Though most of the time it's that loopiness that drives me to do more; just to be doing something.

I'm a year twelve student. I have a love/hate relationship with school (who doesn't?). I'm creative. You will see that as I share some of my creative exploits with you later on. If there's anything I love to do it is to test my creative instincts. I love to try new things. Food especially. I love to read (I feel I should say something witty to emphasis my love of books- got nothin'). I have no particular favourite band because I listen to just about something of anything.

Speaking of music. Something I learned today: In the song, "Marry You" by Bruno Mars, the words "dancing juice" doesn't refer to songs you can dance to but rather alcohol. Well there goes another fragment of my blissful ignorance of the world around me. I was curious. I didn't know. So I asked the best source, my mum. She knows everything. It makes me slightly paranoid.

Oh yeah, because I love food so much, I went to Supanova and got a Weasley Sandwich.

It was the most expensive sandwich I had ever bought and it was worth it. Both James and Oliver Phelps were incredibly nice. They are amazing. Having already welcomed probably over a hundred eager fans, they were still extremely kind. I was so excited. When it was my turn they both turned to me and smiling brilliantly, they asked "How are you?" I'm not sure which one asked. everything was over-bright. All I really remember is that they smelt great. Yeah I know. Just remembering fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Supanova is Australia's version of Comic-con (Just for a reference - not strictly fact). You can dress up as anything really. It was my first time and I wanted to dress up - of course - so I made my own Adem costume. The Adem are a civilised culture within the Kingkiller Chronicles universe created by Patrick Rothfuss. Like I said, I love to read. I read in great detail. Though I would like to re-design my Adem Costume. As far as I know I was the first to wear the Adem Reds. That was back in 2012.

Back to business. 

I decided to start this blog on a whim really. Being whimsical at times has its benefits. I think that by blogging I will increase my skill and confidence at creative writing. You can be the judge of that too. How will I organise this blog? I have no idea! I think I will leave that up to my creative genius. You'll become acquainted with my creative genius really soon. I'm no Leonardo Davinci but I sure am a Curious Chesha.